
东方珑心资本 |

2017年, LVF资本与中国国有企业中国东方资产管理有限公司合作创建了东方珑心资本 (“OLX”),

同年,OLX筹集了首支5亿美元基金东方珑心基金I (“基金”)。该基金的投资策略利用了中国资产分配不当和政府政策变化下出现的房地产不良和压力。鉴于中国经济开始放缓、成熟,市场需要从不良资产中抽身,回收资本。OXL将顺势而为,从中获益。

2017年, LVF资本与中国国有企业中国东方资产管理有限公司合作创建了东方珑心资本 (“OLX”),

同年,OLX筹集了首支5亿美元基金东方珑心基金I (“基金”)。该基金的投资策略利用了中国资产分配不当和政府政策变化下出现的房地产不良和压力。鉴于中国经济开始放缓、成熟,市场需要从不良资产中抽身,回收资本。OXL将顺势而为,从中获益。


  • 处于压力、混乱或转型的实体或项目
  • 中国四大国有企业资产管理公司
  • 省级金融资产管理公司
  • 出现问题贷款的银行、信托公司和其它贷款方,以及处于不良状态的借款方
  • 当地政府和机关


  • 处理NPL资产和投资组合
  • 解决当地不良情况
  • 具有优质或高固定收益的中短期投资(例如缺口融资或过桥融资)


  • 我们可以帮助解决的可识别问题的交易
  • 需要结合专业知识(破产,房地产等),结构技能,资本市场专业知识和关系管理的交易
  • OLX股东积极参与的协作交易
  • 非竞争性交易
  • 交易结构完全透明,可灵活确保最佳风险回报位置
  • 能够与当地合作伙伴和地方政府密切合作,确保利益一致,并制定明确及时的退出战略


  • 提供有吸引力的投资机会
  • 大幅减少尽职调查费用,包括时间和机会成本
  • 利用我们的专业知识,通过共同投资交易补充我们的资金
  • 当需要多方解决方案来解决特殊情况时,协助识别和引入合适的交易第三方
  • 确保我们能够接触必要的政府机构/人员
  • 全面覆盖所选地理区域
  • 多元化投资以减少特定交易风险

© LVF Capital 2018


gai tung aap gong

This Chinese idiom, with its literal translation “a chicken and a duck talking”, captures the cultural challenges facing Chinese and westerners in undertaking cross border business negotiations and the unintended consequence of talking at cross purposes. On a superficial level, the idiom refers to linguistic barriers, but communication barriers extend beyond language to disparate ways of thinking.

When investing in emerging markets the scarcest commodities are trust and institutional reputation.  LVF Capital seeks to build on the relationships and investment experience it has developed in China since 2005 to serve as a trusted partner to western institutions investing within China and Chinese institutions investing offshore.

LVF Capital is dedicated to bridging the cultural gap enabling the chicken and the duck to communicate effectively.


No1 Old Trafford


Cole Waterhouse recognise the heritage of this site and the opportunity it offers, particularly given the close proximity of the planned Wharfside tram stop. They felt the site at No. 1 Old Trafford offered an opportunity to start the regeneration of the south bank of this portion of the Manchester Ship Canal.

From the outset the company wanted to create an environment that was both attractive to live in and architecturally impressive to look at, complementing the proximity the development will have to Daniel Libeskind’s iconic Imperial War Museum North, Michael Wilford’s Lowry Centre and Manchester United’s Old Trafford home. This was a primary driver behind identifying and choosing the multi-award-winning architectural practice 5 Plus who believe in ‘simple elegant design’. Cole Waterhouse wanted the practice to design a bold and brave building that helped define the future direction of this part of the city using quality materials, including heritage brick, whilst ensuring that there was an impressive public realm outside the building to significantly improve the living and working environment for those using the area. It was for that reason they additionally have employed Exterior Architecture who have worked on impressive projects such as Battersea Power Station.

The 214,000 sq ft scheme, next to Victoria Warehouse and the grade II-listed Trafford Road Swing Bridge, will include 139 one-bed apartments, 211 two-bed apartments and four three-bed apartments across two main buildings rising 15 and 18 storeys high. No 1 Old Trafford will have fantastic connectivity to Manchester City Centre, Media City and the Trafford Centre with the new £350 million Trafford Park Tram Line stopping just outside the scheme. This is set to complete in early 2020.

Early works have now commenced on site and 80% of Tower 1 has been sold after launching the scheme globally with IP Global.

1st Way Campus


Cole Waterhouse are working with the Topland Group in partnership with UCFB to deliver the 196,000 sq ft scheme. This will comprise of 682 beds over 7 storeys split up into the following; 483 cluster beds, 48 studio beds, 112 dudio beds and 84 trudio beds. The academic accommodation will include a 300-person auditorium and seminar rooms as well as student study areas, a gym, a library/ IT suite and two communal garden areas.

The site is 1.73 acres (7,001sqm) in size and it is located at First Way, Wembley HA9 0JD, Zone 4 of Greater London.

34 Wembley Hill Road


Cole Waterhouse managed the planning approval process with approval secured in May 2016 for a £97 million mixed use development which included 198 residential units, (158 private, 15 shared ownership and 25 affordable rent) and 19,000 sq ft of retail space.

The shareholders ultimately determined to sell the site following keen interest in it. Completion of the sale of the site occurred in February 2017 and delivered a 38% ROI for their investors.



1st Way Campus


Cole Waterhouse与Topland集团一起,通过与UCFB的合作关系,形成了面积为196,000平方英尺的项目规划。规划中包括7个楼层,楼层中分布着682个床位。床位分配为:483个群组床位、48个单身公寓、112个双床公寓和84个三床公寓。学校宿舍区还包括可容纳300人的礼堂、研讨室,学习区、健身房、图书馆/IT套房以及两个公共花园区。

该地块规模为1.73英亩 (7,001㎡),位于大伦敦第四区温布利(邮编 HA9 0JD)1号街。



Cole Waterhouse认识到该地块的遗留价值和商机 ,特别是该地块临近规划中的Wharfside电车站。公司认为,老特拉福德一号地块可能是南岸所在曼彻斯特船渠区翻新的启动点。

项目伊始,考虑到开发地块靠近Daniel Libeskind标志性的北部皇家战争博物馆、Michael Wilford Lowry中心以及曼彻斯特联队的老特拉福德球场,公司为进一步发挥这一优势,决定将项目环境定位为宜居生活、特色建筑;这也是公司选用屡获大奖建筑业务所“5 Plus”(他们的信条是“简约优雅设计”)的主要原因。Cole Waterhouse要求业务所采用遗迹砖等优质材料,设计突出、大胆的建筑,在定义周边城区未来趋势的同时,确保建筑外围设置不俗的公共空间,极大地改善空间使用者的工作和生活环境。 因此,公司还另聘请了外部建筑事务所,他们完成了Battersea电厂等令人赞叹的项目。


现场前期工作已经开始,与IP Global公司启动全球发布后,1号大楼已经售出80%。

34 Wembley Hill Road


Cole Waterhouse管理了项目的规划审批流程。于是在2016年5月,该9700万英镑的项目确定通过审批。该项目经过混合式开发,包括198间居民单元(158间私有单元、15间共享所有权单元和25间适用房)以及19,000平方英尺的零售空间。
